Unfair Dismissal | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg) - Part 3

Unfair Dismissal

Wrongful Termination: A Growing Problem in Many Areas

August 13, 2012

(US employment law) It’s unpleasant to think about being fired, but it happens. What if you don’t think your employer had a valid reason to terminate you? It’s happening more often, as employers look for ways to cut their workforce and save money. Some experts estimate that 250,000 people are fired illegally or unjustly each […]

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When could misuse of the internet at work constitute gross misconduct?

August 7, 2012

A recent news story highlights the potential problems that use of the internet at work can cause for both employers and employees. The story concerns a “married churchgoing mother” who was sacked after being wrongly accused of watching hardcore porn at work. She has subsequently been awarded £20,000 compensation at the Employment Tribunal after suing […]

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10 secrets to winning an unfair dismissal claim

July 31, 2012

Redmans Solicitors are specialist no win no fee unfair dismissal solicitors and represent clients in the Employment Tribunal on a regular basis. The top 10 secrets to winning an unfair dismissal claim: Educate yourself on the law relating to unfair dismissal Pick the right specialist unfair dismissal solicitor Create your witness statement early See if […]

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An even tougher year for employers with employment law

May 25, 2012

Whilst there has been a lot written about the Beecroft Report, particularly some very hostile responses to it, and whilst the qualifying period for unfair dismissal claim has risen to 2 years from 6th April 2012, it looks as though things will remain tough for employers for at least 2 years to come. Why ? […]

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What Constitutes Racial Discrimination in the Work Place?

April 26, 2012

We’ve all heard about racial discrimination in the workplace, but what truly constitutes it and how should you act if you feel you are being discriminated against based on your race? In the United States, citizens are protected against being discriminated against in the workplace by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 […]

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