workers compensation | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

workers compensation

Can a worker who is in the United State illegally receive workers compensation?

December 28, 2013

The question of whether illegal immigrants are eligible to receive worker’s compensation benefits is complex.  The status of persons in the United States illegally is tenuous.  The rules regarding illegal immigrants are in flux and vary from state to state and from situation to situation.  However, the basic dilemma for working illegal immigrants is that […]

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Street Peril Doctrine: Worker’s Compensation Claims for Employees who Work in the Field

December 22, 2013

Many jobs require that employees spend more time out of the office than in the office. Employees travel to meet with customers, to go to work-sites, complete work-related errands, and attend meetings.  Unfortunately, in the course of these off-site excursions, occasionally employees are injured.  However, according to a Providence worker’s compensation attorney, not all such […]

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I Got Hurt on the Job – What Do I Do Now?

November 20, 2013

Injuries at the workplace occur every day, even when employees are following all of the safety regulations and using proper safety gear. In some cases, the injury is so severe that it requires medical attention to treat the injury effectively. The expenses for this medical treatment can really start to add up, even if it […]

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Paying Worker’s Comp “Under-the-Table”

October 26, 2013

It is not uncommon for employers to pay workers “under-the-table.” Paying under-the-table typically means that the employer pays the worker in cash.  In doing so there is no record of the payment.  Thus, the employer avoids paying taxes and fees related to that worker including unemployment compensation insurance premiums.  Also referred to as paying the […]

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Exposition of the National Labor Relations Act

July 25, 2013

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), also known as the Wagner Act, was in enacted in 1935 as a response to employer hostility toward union members and supporters.  It gives employees the right to form unions and to join unions.  It also requires employers to bargain collectively with unions.  The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) […]

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Tripped at Work: Your Rights

June 23, 2013

Matt washes dishes at a busy and successful restaurant in the heart of a NYC neighborhood.  He works long hours, so he’s always grateful for the stress mats that are placed in front of the sink.  The mats protect his feet from the hard, industrial tile while the holes in the mat allow for any […]

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Workers Compensation Should Not Cost You Your Job

June 20, 2013

Judy works in the shipping department of a Georgia Pecan farm and factory.  During the holiday season, the small shipping department was overwhelmingly busy and cluttered.  She had made suggestions to her supervisor to build extra shelving to keep orders (in boxes) off of the floor, but her suggestions were rejected.  Instead, he told her […]

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What is Workers Compensation?

May 23, 2013

The foundation of workers compensation laws is to provide protection for employees who are injured on the job. Employees who are disabled or injured as a result of a workplace injury are provided with monetary awards. When the workers compensation claim is approved, the number of cases proceeding to trial is limited, reducing the burden […]

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What’s The Proper Way to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in South Carolina?

January 30, 2013

Having to file a workers’ compensation claim can be overwhelming. It can be a complex procedure, and filing a claim incorrectly can mean you don’t receive any benefits for a work-related accident or injury. The whole process can be confusing, as how to properly file a claim differs between states. Below you can see how […]

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Here’s What to Do If You’re Injured on the Job

January 1, 2013

In 2007 in the USA, over 50,000 individuals died from work-related injuries. While some injuries are unfortunate accidents, others are the result of defective equipment or negligence. While work injuries aren’t always fatal, they must always be taken seriously. The most common body parts involved in work-related injuries are the spine, head and hands. Work […]

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