injured at work | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

injured at work

How Much Do You Really Lose When Injured at Work?

November 27, 2013

No one is immune from the possibility of being injured at the workplace. No matter how many safety features are in place, these unplanned accidents can still occur. After a serious injury, you are likely to incur a lot of added expenses due to your injury. Most of the time, the employee does not even […]

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Tips to Prevent Constant Aches and Pains Associated With a Desk Job

January 30, 2013

Working in an office the whole day long will inevitably lead to constant aches and pains – it’s just part of the job! However, if precautions are not taken to prevent pain and soreness, serious injuries may develop.  Over time though, these constant aches and pains will make your day at work very miserable, and […]

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