employment law lawyers | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

employment law lawyers

Employer Responsibilities

November 8, 2012

(US employment law and generally) An employer has certain responsibilities to their employees when they are on the job. These are rules and regulations that have been hard fought throughout the historical labor movements of the late nineteenth and early 20th centuries. Today employers are held to very stringent standards of conduct in order to […]

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Employees taking any benefits offered out of an employment contract are bound by the contract rules high court

November 6, 2012

For employees who take up a benefit offered specifically to a person in their position in the company, they will be held to the terms of their employment contract, even if they had not signed any formal contract. The High Court ruled that if an employee were to use a benefit, which was offered under […]

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Understanding Compensation For Unfair Dismissal

October 17, 2012

Anyone who is considering or in the process of making a claim of unfair dismissal against their former employer will probably be hoping to receive some form of compensation for the hardships they have suffered. You should, however, have some understanding of what sorts of compensation you may receive should your case be successful to […]

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