Employment law blog | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg) - Part 4

Employment law blog

Using Compromise Agreements to Resolve Workplace Disputes

July 16, 2012

The following is a guest employment law blog post regarding the use of compromise agreements to resolve workplace disputes. Dispute resolution is vital and any failure to engage in dispute resolution could lead to either an employer or an employee being penalised by an employment tribunal if the dispute results in litigation. There are several […]

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Top 5 most viewed employment law blogs on LabourBlawg: May-June 2012

June 30, 2012

Below are the top 5 most viewed employment law blog posts published on LabourBlawg over May and June this year (out of a total of 10 blawg posts published during that period). These have been ranked by the number of pageviews according to Google Analytics, which is often a useful indicator of quality of the […]

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London Olympic Bus Strikes: Employment Issues

June 25, 2012

Below is a guest employment law blog post regarding the recent London Olympic Games bus strikes. For expert employment law advice, contact employment lawyers in Stirling. On Friday 22nd June 2012 London bus drivers began a 24 hour strike following the breakdown in talks between Transport for London (TFL) and Unite, which is Britain’s largest […]

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No Sense in Nonsense? ‘No-Fault’ Worker Dismissals. Good or Bad?

June 19, 2012

The Business Secretary Vince Cable has never been one for keeping his thoughts to himself and a day or two ago he came out with criticism against the proposals to allow employers to dismiss workers on a ‘no fault’ basis. Essentially, workers could be dismissed at the will of their bosses without necessarily having done […]

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Criminal Record and Employment

June 11, 2012

Guest employment law blog post based on US Law written by Phil Balbo, staff writer for Price Benowitz LLP. You can visit monster for more information about how to find a job with a criminal record. Please contact the dc criminal lawyers and Maryland criminal lawyers with Price Benowitz LLP for a free consultation. Those […]

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An even tougher year for employers with employment law

May 25, 2012

Whilst there has been a lot written about the Beecroft Report, particularly some very hostile responses to it, and whilst the qualifying period for unfair dismissal claim has risen to 2 years from 6th April 2012, it looks as though things will remain tough for employers for at least 2 years to come. Why ? […]

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What You Need To Know About Auto-Enrolment

May 25, 2012

As an employer, you may be aware of the proposed implementation of an auto-enrolment pension scheme for the UK. The scheme has been designed to make it easier for employees to save for their retirement as at present many people do not take up any offer of a workplace pension scheme even where it is […]

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Man Wins Landmark Age Discrimination Compensation Claim

April 16, 2012

Below is a guest employment (discrimination law) blog post regarding a recent successful age discrimination claim. A man who worked as engineer from Whittlesey has successfully won an age discrimination compensation claim described by experts as a ‘landmark’ case. The ex-employee of local engineering company, R&R Plant Hire, told Michael Bailey, to retire when he […]

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