Compromise agreements law | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

Compromise agreements law

Termination Settlements: Employee Options

February 4, 2014

Employees who experience difficulty at work can frequently feel crushed and despondent; they may even be declared unfit to work by their GP due to workplace stress. Individuals frequently feel it unjust that their only option is to ‘walk away’. The current financial climate has been credited for increasing workplace tension, as employees are driven […]

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How the Government are encouraging compromise agreements

September 10, 2012

When employers decide to part with long-term employees, the fall-out can often be a cause of great stress and worry, while wasting a lot of time for both the business and the unfortunate employee. And although compromise agreements don’t completely alleviate all the negative connotations of a person leaving the workplace, they give a more […]

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