What is Workers Compensation? | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

What is Workers Compensation?

by Andrew Miller on May 23, 2013

The foundation of workers compensation laws is to provide protection for employees who are injured on the job. Employees who are disabled or injured as a result of a workplace injury are provided with monetary awards. When the workers compensation claim is approved, the number of cases proceeding to trial is limited, reducing the burden on America’s courts. In addition to providing monetary awards for injured employees, workers compensation laws also pay out benefits to dependents of any workers killed during a workplace injury or as a result of illnesses contracted on the job.

Acts Relating to Workers Compensation

There are many federal and state guidelines for workers compensation. The Federal Employment Compensation Act lays out the guidelines for federal employees not in the military. Many of the rules and regulations within this act serve as the basis for other workers compensation laws. The awards covered under this act must be a result of employee duties that led to an accident causing disability or death. If an employee files a claim under this act, the may be required to undergo additional job retraining. While an employee will generally receive 66% of their monthly salary prior to the accident, additional awards are provided for permanent physical injuries when the victim has dependents.

What Should I Do If I Have Been The Victim of A Workplace Accident?

Injuries do not refer only to broken bones or other complications as a result of working. If you regularly travel were on the road on behalf of your employer, injuries sustained during this period will generally qualify for workers compensation as well. Also, employees who have worked in environments where they have inhaled or been exposed to dangerous chemicals and compounds may also have the grounds for a workers compensation claim. After you have incurred injuries, file a workers compensation claim immediately. The insurance company will set up a consultation with a physician for your injuries to be evaluated.

Your employer will provide you with the proper forms to complete. It’s also recommended that you hire an Atlanta workers compensation attorney at this time. The purpose of hiring an attorney is twofold; the be well educated about the next steps in the process as well as your rights, and you’ll be protected in the event that your claim is denied or that your employer treats you differently after you have filed the claim.

What Generally Happens Next?

Although each case is different, there are several options for what might happen next. For example, if your claim is approved, you will begin receiving workers compensation payments on a tax-free basis right away. After some time, your company may offer you a settlement in exchange for your long-term disability benefits. Again, this is why it’s critical to have attorneys at your side. If your claim is denied, contact your attorney about your individual case. You may have to proceed further with your attorney. Workers compensation claims can be mentally and physically exhausting, particularly if you’re still recovering from your injuries. The process of moving forward through the courts can also be taxing for your family. Hiring a qualified attorney is one way to reduce your stress during this time.

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