Employment Law | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg) - Part 17

Employment Law in the UK

UK law blog posts regarding employment law in the UK. Useful for employment lawyers and clients of employment law solicitors.

TUPE transfers and the issue of ‘an organised grouping of employees’

September 24, 2012

How important is the connection between a service provision change and ‘an organised grouping of employees‘ under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE)? Recent cases have highlighted the difficulty in interpreting the meaning of ‘an organised grouping of employees‘ under the regulations.  A service provision change is where a service provider […]

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Employment Tribunal Case Management Discussion – What you should expect and how to undertake them

September 24, 2012

If you’ve submitted an Employment Tribunal claim for unfair dismissal, constructive dismissal or discrimination in the workplace then the Employment Tribunal may schedule a Case Management Discussion. This is more likely in discrimination cases as the Employment Tribunal normally issues directions without a Case Management Discussion in cases which only involve unfair dismissal.  A Case […]

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Small businesses not worried about cost of sacking staff, putting them at odds with Vince Cable

September 14, 2012

The following is a guest post regarding the potential impact of new employment law proposals on small businesses in the UK. A new report of 1600* UK small businesses released today reveals that 60% say that they would rather hire a freelancer than a new member of staff as they are more flexible and bring […]

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How and when to appeal your disciplinary hearing outcome

September 12, 2012

If you’ve been the subject of a disciplinary by your employer then it can be an extremely stressful time for you. Depending on what you’re being disciplined if disciplinary action is taken against you then it could result in your dismissal from your job so it’s a serious matter. If you receive an outcome from […]

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Government again considering changes to unfair dismissal law

September 12, 2012

Reports surfaced in the Daily Telegraph this week that the Government is, post-reshuffle, considering making changes to employment law in the United Kingdom, ostensibly with the purpose of boosting lack-lustre economic growth. Peter Fallon has commented on the possibility of making it easier for employers to fire employees (and subsequently had his hand slapped by […]

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Employment Law: Solicitors head to head at ECHR over religious symbols

September 12, 2012

Although employment law says that you are not allowed to discriminate against an employee because of their religion, the European Court of Human Rights has this week heard four cases from British employees with the first two centring on wearing crucifixes at work and the other two on refusing to carry out civil partnerships and […]

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Annual Leave or Sick Leave? Adrian Barnes examines the new EU regulations

September 11, 2012

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that Employees who fall sick during their annual leave have the right to re-take that annual leave a later date, irrespective of when they fell ill. The ECJ stated that “the purpose of entitlement to paid annual leave is to enable the worker to rest and enjoy […]

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Explaining Employment Law

September 9, 2012

The following is a guest post regarding employment law in the UK. For expert employment law advice contact an employment solicitor. Employment law regulates the relationships between employers, the people they employ, and unions, when applicable. In the UK this law is composed of a few statutes and regulations and a large body of common-law judicial […]

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My employer’s taking ages to respond to my grievance. What are my options?

September 5, 2012

If you’ve submitted a grievance at work then it goes without saying that you’re experiencing a problem at work – a problem that’s exercising you enough to force you to take formal action to redress it. Whether this problem is being caused by difficult co-workers, an overburden of work, a medical condition or any other reason you […]

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Stress at work – how you should deal with it

August 28, 2012

The workplace is an inherently stressful environment. It is estimated that in 2008 13.5 million working days in the United Kingdom were “lost” to stress, costing employers up to £381 million pounds per year. As well as being bad for business, stress also has a pernicious effect on employees: stress at work not only affects […]

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