Settlement Agreements | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)

Settlement Agreements (Compromise Agreements) under UK employment law

UK law blog posts regarding settlement agreements (compromise agreements) under UK employment law.

Termination Settlements: Employee Options

February 4, 2014

Employees who experience difficulty at work can frequently feel crushed and despondent; they may even be declared unfit to work by their GP due to workplace stress. Individuals frequently feel it unjust that their only option is to ‘walk away’. The current financial climate has been credited for increasing workplace tension, as employees are driven […]

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Reaching A Collective Bargaining Agreement

August 28, 2013

Reaching a collective bargaining agreement can be a main goal in sight for workers and management who just haven’t been able to get along. This isn’t just about a fight between friends, per se. The entire company or business’s production, reputation, and success are riding on the ability of management and workers to get along, […]

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Unions and You

August 28, 2013

Unions are an important part of labour law, although many might consider them just a part of its history. After all, unions are talked about rarely in the main three professions: doctors, lawyers, and engineers. These professions not only comes with prestige but protection that often leaves unions out of the picture. So, are unions […]

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Protected conversations and compromise agreements

April 8, 2013

“Protected conversations” are one of the key employment law proposals that the Government is seeking to introduce this summer, along with the introduction of fees to the Employment Tribunal, the reform of the Employment Tribunal procedure, the re-naming of compromise agreements to settlement agreements, and compulsory pre-litigation conciliation. We’ll take a look at protected conversations […]

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What Exactly is a Compromise Agreement?

March 21, 2013

A compromise agreement is a formal and legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee which prohibits the employee from proceeding with a complaint to an Employment Tribunal. To be effective it must comply with Employments Rights Act 1996, s.203. It will normally have come about where an employer wants to terminate an employee’s […]

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WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK: recent developments in the protection given to whistleblowers under UK law

March 16, 2013

Whistleblowing has been a prominent feature in the headlines recently and public enquiries and scandals in many sectors have exposed the current protection for whistleblowers to scrutiny. Calls for change have intensified since Gary Walker, the former Chief Executive of the United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS, hit the headlines as he was “gagged” from raising concerns […]

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Can a compromise agreement protect your business from a TUPE claim?

January 17, 2013

Some business owners choose to either ignore the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) or assume that the provisions will not apply in their set of circumstances.   Recent TUPE cases highlight that complacency can result in expensive litigation and a payout to aggrieved employees. Tamang & Anor v (1) ACT Security Ltd […]

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When businesses should use compromise agreements

October 4, 2012

Compromise agreements have received quite a lot of news coverage lately, with the Government consulting on, among other things, whether their name should be changed to “settlement agreement”. A minor change, yet apparently significant. Anyway, aside from the changing name of the agreements, compromise agreements are a useful means of terminating the employment relationship and […]

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How the Government are encouraging compromise agreements

September 10, 2012

When employers decide to part with long-term employees, the fall-out can often be a cause of great stress and worry, while wasting a lot of time for both the business and the unfortunate employee. And although compromise agreements don’t completely alleviate all the negative connotations of a person leaving the workplace, they give a more […]

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Using Compromise Agreements to Resolve Workplace Disputes

July 16, 2012

The following is a guest employment law blog post regarding the use of compromise agreements to resolve workplace disputes. Dispute resolution is vital and any failure to engage in dispute resolution could lead to either an employer or an employee being penalised by an employment tribunal if the dispute results in litigation. There are several […]

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