evolvedlegal | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg)


Employers need to be more attuned to whistleblowing

November 19, 2012

Ask most employers about whistleblowing and many will tell you that their understanding is that it relates to very serious, obvious wrongdoing which is tantamount to serious criminal activity, such as perhaps insider dealing or serious fraud. Whistleblowing does of course include these items but in fact it goes a lot wider than that and […]

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Why is no win no fee so difficult in employment law cases ?

July 12, 2012

It is entirely understandable that many employees facing an employment dispute seek no win no fee employment law advice. After all, these situations are not exactly wanted or planned for and legal costs are objectively high. The public may well perceive no win no fee in employment law in the same way as for personal […]

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Overview of disability discrimination law

July 1, 2012

Definition of Disability Whilst s.4 of the Equality Act 2010 (EA 2010) sets out that disability is a protected characteristic, the main definition of ‘disability’ is taken from case law and has been enshrined in s.6(1) EA 2010. The case of Goodwin v Patent Office provides 4 necessary elements for disability :- physical or mental […]

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An even tougher year for employers with employment law

May 25, 2012

Whilst there has been a lot written about the Beecroft Report, particularly some very hostile responses to it, and whilst the qualifying period for unfair dismissal claim has risen to 2 years from 6th April 2012, it looks as though things will remain tough for employers for at least 2 years to come. Why ? […]

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