October, 2012 | Employment Blawg (AKA LabourBlawg) - Part 2

October 2012

The UK’s National Minimum Wage increase and some interesting facts about minimum wage

October 5, 2012

The following is guest blog post regarding the recent National Minimum Wage increase in the UK and some interesting facts about minimum wage you may not have known. As the National Minimum Wage has increased for employees aged 21 and over, people up and down the country will be ensured a slight pay increase as […]

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When businesses should use compromise agreements

October 4, 2012

Compromise agreements have received quite a lot of news coverage lately, with the Government consulting on, among other things, whether their name should be changed to “settlement agreement”. A minor change, yet apparently significant. Anyway, aside from the changing name of the agreements, compromise agreements are a useful means of terminating the employment relationship and […]

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Should and can you be sacked for failing a drugs test?

October 1, 2012

Failing a drugs test at work can have serious consequences for your job. Employers take issues such as this extremely seriously and will often take drastic action if you fail or refuse to take a blood test. This can even result in your dismissal if your employer deems it appropriate. If you’ve failed a drugs […]

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